External Pole Lighting System
Installation Methods of External Pole Lighting System includes lighting equipment luminaires, control switchgears, panel boards, poles, arms, cabling, and minor civil works. All installations are to be carried out under strict supervision of qualified supervisors and engineers. If installation required heavy vehicles, extreme care to be taken for height preventing damages of lighting equipment and poles. Install equipment to be readily accessible for operation, maintenance, and repair.
Installation procedure follows-
*Use fabric slings to raise and set poles.
*Mount pole to foundation with levelling nuts, and tighten top nuts to torque level recommended by pole manufacturer.
*Secure poles level, plumb, and square.
*Grout void between pole base and foundation. Use non-shrinking or expanding concrete grout firmly packed in entire void space.
*Use a short piece of 40mm diameter pipe to make a drain hole through grout.
*Arrange to drain condensation from interior of pole.